
You Have a Story to Tell

Your Family and the World wants to Hear it


Attn Assisted Living Centers:

We have a wonderful new program to empower the seniors in your facility and help them to write their book of memoirs, history, poetry, or whatever subject they wish. We can assist in making the process very simple so that the authors can either send us the text, audio or even video and we will put it all together for them. The finished books can be for personal use or they can even be sold in online bookstores. Here is an example

We have put together a talented group of literature graduates and seasoned writers to assit with each individual project.  In addition we offer Remote Creative Writing Clubs for a collective experience.  Kesher Foundation has underwritten much of the cost to make this program as affordible as possible.

Here are the Fees:

Individual Book Creation – $49 (Publish, Edit and Cover Design)

Creative Writing Club – Remote Meetings – $19 (up to 10 participants).


More on the Remote Classes

Once a week we will pick a new theme and we will write a poem based on this theme. After 8-10 weeks we will publish a book with all of the poems of the participants.


More on the Individual Book Creation

Send us the finished document in Microsoft Word.  We will proof-read, and edit for print and create a mock up for your approval. The book can be available to the public or can be remain private.



Basic Book – $49

Publish, Edit and Cover Design

You can choose from four cover templates:

Two Color with Image


Centered Title

Centered Title


Front Cover Image


Spine Image

The above covers are included in the basic price.  We can also create Custom Covers for an additional $39.

Additional Custom Services

Audio or Video Transcript – $149 (per 30 minute recording)

We will transcribe the book from an audio or video recording.  We will then proof-read, edit for print and create a mock up for your approval.

Video Documentary/Book  (contact for pricing depending on size and scope of project)

The Published work and Video Documentary is a special customized service we offer for one on one clients. One of our writer/directors will meet remotely and discuss your story with you. From these meetings we will help you to publish your book as well as produce video highlights from the process.


This is an amazing opportunity for your residents to document their stories and produce books that they can hand down to younger generations. We work with artists and publishers who will take the time to speak with the senior authors and assist them with their projects.


Create Your Book Now

Start a Writers Club

Contact us for more details at